
A place where you can regain your most precious asset:

Why you'll regret not using your most valuable asset...

What is one thing that you must take advantage of if you're trying to build your future? Without any doubt, your ability to focus on the task in front of you. We all have 24 hours in a day, but some people seem to accomplish more in one day than what others accomplish in an entire week... how is that even possible?

Well, here you'll learn how to leverage focus to your advantage so that you can do more in less time. Here, you'll build your unfair advantage compared to others.

What type of advice can you find here?


The environment you work in affects the quality of your work. You'll learn how to optimize your working space to get less distracted


Exploring new ideas

Sometimes, to find a way out of the problem you are facing, it is important to keep track of your ideas that might lead you to a solution.

desk with laptop and poster

Working tips

We need to remember that all the work we do and that no one sees is essential to achieving big things. Here you'll find new tips to work smarter, before working harder.


"Faber est suae quisque fortunae"

Remember that the things you do will define your future. Easy choices now, tough life later. Tough choices now, easy life later.

Appius Claudius Ciecus


Why did I decide to create this website?

We only have one life, and I don’t want people wasting time scrolling on a phone. We should all accomplish our goals, living them in real life, not just dreaming of them. I hope you will find the help I was looking for when I first started.



Whether something is wrong about a topic or something that isn’t working, we’re here to answer any questions.